Sunday 23 May 2010

Exhibition, Presentation and professional Production

I was challenged by this brief, because as I had never done anything of this scale before. I mean pushed to the very edge in design, organisation, conception, communication, professional practice, working with other designers. I have never been pushed as a designer before but now with this module I have made the firmest decision that thing will hold me back as I can reach and do anything if put my create mind to the job. My strength is I am willing to reach success but with hard work to pay for it, my weakest point is I really should come out of my box and try new things. This bus was the hardest thing every to get and when I contacted the company who had it and they told me how much and who long we could have it for, anything is possible. Pete Nevin said to my group once “if you give up and tell yourself you can’t get the bus, you will not get it”. With that in my head I was going for it just because he said something I believed in and know that everyone was watching us too made me push more. I feel that with these new briefs I am not bond by the limits of print, more the sky is my limit now as to how my thing is going. I participated with my group: I made lots of communicating; sending emails, texting and facebook, constantly giving feed back to the group, on my progress and who I spoke with. I have worked in a group before so I know how things work in that field. Because I had not worked with this team before I had to learn how they all functioned and participated in-group discussions. More people came in the group and ideas flowed more easily but we had another problem now, more people means a clash of personality and some of us had it in our minds that we did not need a bigger group and started retracting from the group by this I mean not turning up to group meetings and not wanting to work with ideas that the majority had agreed on. We did not know how to pull the group back and work efficiently on the task. We had a few problems along the way with each person worked and contributed work and shared plans and pulled to help build on our work flow, other people did things which they not assigned too and others just went around the long route with things. All in all we had a very good brief and had people who could do the work but lacked motivation to gel and knuckle down with the workload and deal with issues which where not real issues for me. These are the things letting us down we need to fix them.

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