Sunday 23 May 2010

What Honey Bees Do For Us!

Did you Know...

1/3 of all vegetables and fruits are pollinated by honey bees. Depending on the crop, some fruits would not develop without pollination from honey bees. With other crops, we might get fruit, just not the same amount or the quality we desire. Ever see a lopsided apple or pumpkin? That is a sign of improper pollination. Without the honey bee, many things in nature would be "lopsided". 
 Some suggest that between 50-80% of the world’s food supply is directly or indirectly affected by honey bee pollination. Whether it’s pollination of apples, or pollination of the seeds to produce grain for livestock, the food chain is linked to honey bees. The worlds production of food is dependant on pollination, provided by the honey bees. 
 Honey bees provide the most "green" sweetener you can buy. Buying local is the "greenest" purchase for most food products. Become a "localvore" (or locavore) and help the environment, the farmers, and the bees. 
 Honey Bees provide among other items; honey, beeswax, propolis, pollen, royal jelly, apitherapy, enjoyment, and an income for some beekeepers.Honey Bees have been managed and have sustained farming practices as far back as 4500 years. 
 Einstein did NOT say the world would end in four years without honey bees. Although we certainly would have to change farming practices. Food prices would soar without the industrious honey bee. Be grateful they work so hard, and can be managed. We need to respect that, and be stewards of not just the honey bee, but also the environment. 
 Bees and bee products have been used in many areas of health, from bee sting apitherapy for arthritis to antibiotic treatment with honey of burn victims. Studies have shown that relief of a sore throat is higher with honey than most over the counter medicines. 
 Bees provide products for a wide range of uses. Such as in the horse industry such as hoof salves (propolis), a host of varied medicinal applications (honey/propolis), a form of currency (honey), a food source (honey, pollen, brood. bees), and even in military service (bees). Ongoing research suggests antibacterial and viral application on a wide scope of uses, to even possible cancer treatments. 
 Honey bees are perfect as a measuring device for gauging the health of the environment. Bees are very sensitive to pesticides. Some pesticides have been shown to effect the honey bees with devastating and deadly results with only several parts per billion in contamination. Many of these pesticides can be bought for homeowner use. If it kills the bees at that level, what about the family pets or the visiting grandkids running around the backyard barefoot? Be aware of your impacts on the environment. 
 There are many types of honey provided by the honey bee. Lighter varieties are milder and are usually produced in the springtime. Later varieties are darker, have a bolder taste, and are excellent for cooking. Honey comes in a wide range of taste and colors. Buy some locally produced honey and try different flavors. You will be surprised in what you are missing!

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