Sunday 23 May 2010

Group Work - Ecobe 2: Lifestyles...

The brief was giving to us, which was based on Ecology, in this we had to create project from this topic set. We chose to talk and target an audience who did not understand the real need for recycling; in this I mean young adults, who have no idea of their contribution towards globalisation change for the current time. In this group we chose this group just because they have excess waste of currency and free time to build on waste matter. So we targeted the idea from one way, which was FASHION, as this is the highest denominator that people are increasingly choosing use and are unaware of the dangers that their materials have on mother natures land. From this information that we have, we are to create exhibition that would show what our topic was to the audience we are targeting. This exhibition was created on a bendy bus that had to be eco- friendly and above all move from place to place-generating awareness for this topic matter.

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